Enhanced Safety & Peace of Mind for Our Customers
As a field appraiser, you will be visiting customers at their homes or places of business, or performing your appraisal at the collision shop. To help guarantee your identity and provide an additional layer of safety and peace of mind to our customers, we provide all SCA field appraisers with an SCA-branded lanyard featuring your photo. This lanyard must be worn and visibly displayed whenever you are working on a file for SCA.Smile for the Camera!
Before you can begin receiving files from SCA, you will need to provide us with a headshot by uploading it here.Some Stipulations on Headshots
- Photo must be clear and well-lit. Your face needs to be visible for easy comparison and confirmation by the customer.
- Avoid busy backgrounds. A solid color is preferred so the focus remains on your face.
- Face the camera head-on. Do not take photos taken from the side or a profile shot of your face. Think of posing for your driver's license or passport photo. A straight head-and-shoulders photo is perfect.
- No cropped group photos. Do not upload a cropped photo of you with another person or group. This should be a photo just of you, preferably one taken for this purpose.
- Must be a recent photo. It must represent how you look today, not a photo from the past that you like.
- Look professional. You don't have to dress up, but you should look professional. No ripped/stained clothing. No hats. A golf shirt or similar top is preferred and recommended.
SCA Reserves the Right to Deny Your Photo if it Does Not Meet Our Criteria, and Require You to Resubmit a New Photo
Examples of GOOD Headshots

Examples of BAD Headshots